Elan. We Care For Nature
Elan Yachts, 13.04.2012
Elan owns Environmental certificate ISO 14001, which confirms Elan high standards of environmental protection in skis production. But Elan respects the natural and social environment also in all other fields of work, in nautical division and by producing sports equipment. Elan, situated in the small region of Gorenjska in Slovenia, takes great responsibility especially to local people and environment with clear goal to permanently preserve it. Elan products are developed with care and they are used by enthusiastic people in the nature, where all begins and end.
This is why we decided to relaunch the CARE FOR NATURE concept on corporate level, as a strong communication topic for long term responsability.
We need:
– To communicate it on corporate level
– To communicate in internaly and externaly
– Each divison has to find key potencial material (material, process, etc.)